The "heavenly" subway cookies. They think they've got me fooled. I know what they do; they just microwave cookie dough cookies. There is no secret recipe people! They have us all brainwashed!!!!
I tried to be all "artsy" with my sub.
Well anyway, its Alex's birthday this weekend, and its my birthday monday. Speaking of which, I'm going to New York for a day trip on my birthday! I'm taking off school and leaving in the morning, and coming back home around 2 the next night :D (I'm turning 16)
So I've had these two magazines, Cooking Light and Bon Appetit, and I got them both Monday. I have yet to find an opportuinty this week to read them, but Ashley skimmed through them and she said they have some pretty good recipes; and she's very picky, so if she says they have a few good ones then you know they're good. I've decided not to do anything else but read those tonight, so I actually have the time :)
Oh and tomorrow I'm baking the pie instead of today, reason being Franiel left and went to the grocery store without me, so I was not able to get the Peaches. Damn. But the good news is that Imogen Jennifer Jane Heap said that I have all day tomorrow to have the kitchen to myself, so I think I might bake a loaf of Rosemary bread too. Excited :) But more importantly, Imogen Jennifer Jane Heap wants me to make my devils food cake for Alex's birthday, because he's having a party on Saturday and then we're going to Sesame Place on Sunday. So I need to get more chocolate, heavy cream, and crisco for that. Looks like I'll be baking quite a bit this Friday. More tomorrow, and with LOTS of pictures :)