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I didn't like the way they tasted; they were too wet.
Okay, so I didn't actually eat the above salad while I was on the trip, but I did however eat this last night. I thought to myself; I HAVE to blog about this. The salad was mixed micro greens, dried cranberries, dried cherries, strawberries, blueberries, blue cheese, green apple slices, and candied walnuts lightly covered in a sherry vinaigrette dressing.
What to put here now hmm? I feel accomplished that I covered my vacation, plus last night so I feel all caught up. Today I was really feeling like baking some lemon poppy seed cookies, but we have no poppy seeds so I need to go to the store. No one wants to drive me, so that seems impossible then. I guess the store is right up the street, but I hate the sun; if it was winter I would gladly go up there. But its 90 degrees outside, so no. I would also bake apple pie, but we only have one apple. And no, there is no chocolate in the house either. I'm stumped. More tomorrow.
First Day
On a less serene note, I am going to post a giant blog entry with lots of pictures and stuff on Thursday. But how am I posting this you ask? Franiel brought his laptop lol. Either way, I'll be back on Thursday! Ending with something funny, I just remembered that yesterday, before I left to come here,I accidentally left a bowl of milk in my bedroom from the honeycombs I had the night before. Oh Shi-Stuff.
"Stuff White People Like"
The one picture I managed to take at the graduation; all the other ones are movies, and then when I was done with the videos, I wanted to take some more pictures....but my phone was acting stupid as usual, so this is the only one I managed to take.
Olive Garden looses brownie points for bringing out the salad late though. The waitress brought it as well as the bread sticks after I had already finished my appetizer. I'm not complaining, just saying it was kinda weird.
*shine shine now!*
Saturday i think i might go to the mall or something; i need to see who can go.....But as for now, I'm here eating ramen noodles as I already made them lunch and don't feel like cooking anymore. I'm also going to bake some cookies tonight, maybe I'll gift them to someone tomorrow at the graduation. I guess I'll post more tomorrow, about the graduation, and if I go out to eat or something after. Goodbye, or as Kai Lan would say "Zai Jian!!" (I'm sick of this showwww).
(Below is a frying pan)
This morning, Alex told me he wasn't feeling so well, and my mother told me that he had a bit of a cough last night. So I asked him if there was anything I could do. He said no, but I offered to make breakfast instead.
I thought it would be fun to make shapes out of the pancakes, so I did a circle, then a mickey mouse one. (On top)
Any way, my day is sort of coming to a close, I plan to clean up tomorrow (shocking image below). Okay, maybe "shocking" was too dramatic a word, but its still gross, and the mess has been accumulating since I had all these finals to take and final papers to type and hand in and stuff. So yeah, that's my day tomorrow, but I will definitely try to eat or bake something remotely interesting so I can write about that tomorrow.