So yes, today was my last day of my third semmester at BIC. You couldnt possibly imagine my excitment. But, enough about that, and on to the more important information. I wil be blogging more often over the break, as I wont be so preoccupied by school and what not. So I go back September 8th, which is one day short of three weeks from today (20 days lol). I should really do more stuff about food....
this kinda is a food blog......uhh anyway! Picture time :D !!
(Below is a frying pan)
This morning, Alex told me he wasn't feeling so well, and my mother told me that he had a bit of a cough last night. So I asked him if there was anything I could do. He said no, but I offered to make breakfast instead.

I thought it would be fun to make shapes out of the pancakes, so I did a circle, then a mickey mouse one. (On top)

So today I also had my last lunch at Au Bon Pain for a while. Since I don't have any more academic classes until November, I won't be at the Commerce building for a while. Au Bon Pain is across the street, so its the fastest place to get to to get lunch. Great food....sometimes..... Anyway, today I had a peach tea, Asiago bread sticks, a delicious salad, and a "tulip" for dessert.

I was actually surprised to come in today and find a new salad, one that was similar to Cesar salad but with better croutons, Gorgonzola cheese, sherry vinaigrette dressing, almonds and apple...... okay maybe it wasn't so much like a Cesar salad ha ha.

My meal concluded with a new item at Au Bon Pain called a "tulip". What looked like a souffle at first (but much firmer of course), turned out to be something that tasted like a brownie. When opened, it also had a red cherry filling that was a bit sour but worked well with the brownie. I'm assuming they just baked these in a muffin tin with the papers on, as they were firm enough to keep shape.
Any way, my day is sort of coming to a close, I plan to clean up tomorrow (shocking image below). Okay, maybe "shocking" was too dramatic a word, but its still gross, and the mess has been accumulating since I had all these finals to take and final papers to type and hand in and stuff. So yeah, that's my day tomorrow, but I will definitely try to eat or bake something remotely interesting so I can write about that tomorrow.
OHH!! One last thing, I'm going to the beach on Sunday for five days, so I'll be sure to order plenty of amazing room service, and document all of the food I eat while I'm there. More tomorrow, FOR REALLSS this time lol.