Written Two Days Ago
I'm laughing right now ^.^ I amuse myself everyday! This is why I need a real camera; something I've been saying since I started this blog nearly a year ago. Yes, I'm supposed to get Franiel's Nikon, EVENTUALLY, but I kinda don't want it anymore. It's kind of a big hassle because I'm going to have to find all the necessary parts for it, and I'd honestly much rather buy myself a new camera in a month when I have my job and everything. Anyway, I'm sure your all tired of hearing me rant endlessly, so let's get into what I've accomplished today :P
Number one, I don't want to be one of those people who acts like their food is so amazing, and then people see and eat it, and it's crap. Number two, sometimes I have absolutely no clue what I'm supposed to be doing. Like today for example; all I was told when I got the lamb was remove the fat, remove the shank, and then follow the lines of fat through the meat with my knife until only the bone was left. On several occasions I had no idea what to do next, so I just cut where I thought the fat continued. Oh well, maybe I'll have a better day tomorrow. Speaking of which, I'm so looking forward to thanksgiving break, not just because of the holiday and all the food and what not, but because I don't have to get up before dawn to go to school.
Two days ago, I was a much happier person. Two days ago, I wasn't ready to bash someones head in. Two days ago I wasn't looking forward to going back to school so I could be distracted from all this. But I have risen above. I refuse to talk about my personal problems over the Internet. This is a food blog, and I think sometimes I blur that line a bit too often. Anyway, on to better things :)