Anyway now that that's over, as few things. As you may have noticed last blog (which you probably didn't), the size of the pictures are changing. I'm trying to find a permanent file uploading site besides blogger -because it makes the pictures too small- as well as fix up the blog for the new year. (<-- Today will be posted with Blogger+Photobucket) Perhaps the title card will be a bit more sophisticated than me holding up the pig tails scarf. I do know what my new years resolution is going to be: post more.... or at least once or twice a week. Next year some pretty big things are happening and I just want to get all of them down. Speaking of big things, I'm going to Miami in what... four days? Yeah, so I'll be sure to eat oodles of very interesting things and come home and post. So that means no postings from 20-26.
This travesty is my master piece, I've named it "the exorcism". Recently there was a gingerbread competition at the CAC, and a couple days I ended up staying late to help with the decorations. On the last day, I got very, very bored and took one of the figures in progress and turned him into what he is today. Dry your eyes and testify. OH! Sidebar: after the competition was over, someone informed me that someone made a comment about my edible figures; they said they looked like sex offenders!!!!!!!! Apparantly because of the way they were placed, it appeared as though two of the men where standing by the tree under a tree house trying to kidnap the child!!!
So last wednesday I ate dinner at Ra, a sushi place in Harbor East. (Speaking of which, that whole area over there by Fells Point is quickly becoming my favorite part of Baltimore) Please Excuse My Dear Iphone Camera... its the new pemdas which explains incredibly crappy photos. (actually, when said out loud, its kinda quite lude, but honeslty how many times am I vulgar? I get a pass on this one)
Atleast in Miami it's sunny, so I should be able to take decent pictures there. Anyway, while I was there I ordered the spicy tuna (right) and the tootsy maki roll (left) which was my favorite. Consisting of crab, shrimp, and cucumber and rolled in not just seasme seeds, but there was some crunchy green stuff on the outside of the roll which was really good, because with all the mushy textures it was nice to have that. I also had the vegas roll, but honestly it was too dark and I was very hungry so I did not take a picture of that /:
Incredibly random paragraph: I really, really like the color of fresh chopped rosemary. Recently everytime I get out fresh rosemary to use in something, halfway through chopping I take a moment and say, "Wow, thats an amazing group of colors". Rosemary does not play around through the brown shade like other plants do, it goes from a vibrant, strong green to pale white to surprising black. No in between. So I decided the other day to take a picture, just because. Sorry for the poor quality. Pemdic?.....yeah thats not such a good idea to make that a regular thing lol. More tomorrow.