Who remembers these lol?! This just goes to show how far I've come since first starting this blog a little over a year ago. The one on the left is the second title card that I had for +discow+, this was when it wasn't even a food blog... just sort of a let's document my life for fun kinda thing. The one on the right is the third title card I had, and it was the first card for the "Food Blog". Notice how in both of these pictures I had oodles of hair -.- The one on the right was also the first in color.
The picture on top was the fourth re-do of the title card for the blog; and it was the fist to feature actual food. It has the picture of a salad that I reviewed a little while ago, and another that hasn't been in the blog at all. That's because its my stracciatella gelato that I had on my birthday at GROM. I really want to go back there soon, but something tells me work will prevent me from doing so in the future. Anyway, the one on the bottom is my very first title, again back when this wasn't a food blog. Notice the very crappy and poorly done image. (Ignore the background, its just lorem ipsum)
So the other day, I was thinking to myself, this blog layout is too harsh (with the giant red sign, and huge pictures) so I thought to myself, "Let's re-do it over again, but this time with something that won't get stale in two months". So I decided to make three different, new titles using modern fonts and color schemes, and decide which one worked best. The two above are the two that didn't quite make it to being in the blog. I really liked the one on the right, but the cut off look and the fact that it only has three words in it don't say much. Plus, I wanted to stray away from my usual colors (black, white, red) so that it wouldn't look like a giant target ad. The one on the left was based around using a dark purple color that a lot of websites are changing too. I ultimately decided against it because it looked too much like a home & garden magazine cover.
These two are the final cards, the one on the left being the one used now. I also changed the color scheme to match the black and yellow "theme". I also like how the discow, my often used nickname for the site, is yellow; I've also replaced the + signs with lightning bolts. The one on the right was the one used right before the current card, and it's mainly not up anymore because of how generic it looks. It certainly was modern, but perhaps a bit too modern. More tomorrow :D