I just thought I'd say it.
I actually did have a brambleberry juice Tazo thingy today for lunch, but that's beside the point; it's a silly and ridiculous word, and I really like saying it. Even more than "spinoccoli", which was my favorite word for a while.
Anyway, today I carried a little pad around with me in my pocket, and whenever I had a (remotely) interesting thought, I wrote it down. You guys might enjoy a few:
1. Someone should make a dishwasher with a garbage disposal attached.
2. I really, really hate it when people pull, or press on, or lean on my chair while I'm sitting in it. If you would like to roll all around to floor with it, wait until I'm not using it to do so.
3. STOP leaving crap in my bed! First it was a shoe horn, now it's ramen noodle crumbs. This is becoming a problem.
4. My dog is really dirty, but she writhes about like a seizure victim when I try to bathe her, so I've stopped caring. She lives outside anyway /:
5. Actually, scratch that first thought. People would be going overboard with it; trying to throw whole slices of pizza in there and what not.
Now that that's out of the way, I have great news!
I got my new iPhone!
I'm so happy! It's not because I'm stuck up or spoiled or something that the only phone I can have is an iPhone (for those of you who missed that rant), it's just that the camera on it is really nice, plus it had a macro function that works with touch, so I can touch where I want to focus to be. A real professional camera and macro lens would cost me $1000+ so it's really great that I have this. It makes my pictures so much better.
Today for lunch I ate at Starbucks... so it wasn't really lunch, sorta just a snack :P

The only actual piece of food food I had for lunch was a stuffed Feta and Spinach pretzel. A few days ago, I was having a conversation with someone about eating spinach, and how it gets stuck in your teeth. My side of the argument was that I didn't think it was a big deal, and that some people are too worried for no reason.
However today, after I had already eaten the pretzel, I went back up to the register to buy something for dessert, and I suddenly became so worried. It's funny now that I think about it, but I was so paranoid for the whole three minutes I was in line; as if everyone would suddenly look at my mouth for no reason at all.
Anyway, the pretzel was okay, but I didn't really see too much Feta inside, but perhaps that's cost control measures or something. I usually get the pizza pretzel, but this was a nice change. Maybe in another five months I'll try the egg salad.
Nope. I hate egg salad.

Isn't this just the greatest picture ever?
-.- it's so plain. But I had to do the cheesecake somehow, so I figured this would be the best angle to shoot it. Honestly, it was; this is as pretty as this cheesecake is getting. And you would think for $5.50 a slice AND the little "Cheesecake Factory Brand" logo, they'd be a bit more decorative, but no.
This isn't the worst cheesecake I've ever had, but I was kinda disappointed that I paid so much for what I got. The top had a thick skin on it, so I know it had been in the display for a while. The first couple bites were good, but a little later it started to remind me of what I do with Cinnabon's. First it's great, I'm enjoying myself so much, then I eat too much and make myself sick. I almost vomited when I took just a giant gulp of the center, after I had already eaten all of the graham cracker off of the bottom.

No I did not eat these with the lunch, but I did buy them right after.
A while ago I did a "recipetorial" (what was I thinking with that name? Ahhh novice food blogger ;D) on lemon poppy seed cookies, and to my surprise, they actually sell this kind of cookie! I was surprised to find that it's supposedly vegan (and anyone who knows me knows how I feel about vegans), mostly because it was actually really good. It tasted nothing like Martha Stewart's recipe, but maybe that's a good thing. Perhaps the Paula Deen's of the world really are trying to kill us with all their dairy, meat, and cheese...
Paula Deen will save your life with her cooking! If you get shot, she will pack your wound with butter.
Dry your eyes and testify. Oh Hell Yes #1: Butter saves lives!
(Ignore the pumpkin spice cookie on the left; it was nasty. It tasted like Bath & Body Works vomited up a cookie. I would know, you can see I ate half it before I decided it was nasty.)

So I'm coming out of the bathroom, and what does the sign say? "Leave all unpaid merchandise outside" I guess people took it too seriously because literally right outside the bathroom door was a big stand of drinks just sitting there. Not only was this gross because it was so close to "le potte" (that's not real or anything), but it was odd because it was around the corner where no one (staff) could see.
Maybe they had cameras, but I certainly didn't see any. But I just thought, if I was homeless this would've been the jackpot. Last year I had a really great idea about writing this book for homeless people and the places they could go to get free samples or take sink bathes etc, but then someone told me that a majority of homeless people can't read.
Oh yeah. Most homeless people are homeless for a reason.
Until then. Which honestly shouldn't be too long because...
I will officially be the youngest person to graduate from culinary school!
Excited :)