
Above This; I'm Spelling "DIS" With My Cow Limbs.

*Exhales* I'm never satisfied...
So I've been experimenting with some new photo uploading methods. EVEN BIGGER PHOTOS! And not half cut off photos like this one, but actual, large, professional looking photos. The problem now is that I don't actual have a camera anymore. I really want a new camera but when I buy my new iPhone, it will have to suffice until I find a new job. I'm starting to feel lifeless again...
Anyway, I'm going somewhere this weekend, and a big dilemma is me not having a camera. I plan to have a wonderful trip with oodles of pictures, but that can't happen until I get a camera. The crappy camera on this Razr phone I'm using now won't cut it, and I don't get my check from my old job until Tuesday of next week... Perhaps Franny has an extra camera somewhere or something...
So today, since I cannot find where on my computer the iPhone backup pictures are, I'm going to show you guys the pictures from my quaint little birthday trip to New York last year. Yeah, they're a bit dated, and I was just getting the hang of macro pictures, but it's nice. It's something.

I have to say, I'm really enjoying the new photo size. You can see everything clearly; nothing feels like it's missing; it's just great. (Also, yesterday I had so much to say, I feel like I should give my self a bit on the back for my choice of words. Nothing spectacular, just saying. Today however, not so much. I feel kinda at a loss for words, even though earlier I had all these thoughts about what today's post was going to be about. Ehh. Never mind.)
So this was the Stracciatella gelato that I got from GROM. I think I mentioned it before. I don't know. Just in case I didn't, it was basically milk flavored with pieces of dark chocolate. I have a lot of preferences when it comes to ice cream, but this might be my favorite. Maybe.



Ignore him. Yeah. Him.

Ashley got the strawberry gelato. I can't speak for her about how it tasted, but to her recollection, it was good. She says mine was gross though. She enjoys simple things. Speaking of Ashley, I am upset. I made her a blog and everything and when was the last time she posted? January. This face a thousand times:



This picture is shaky and I don't like it, but it's the only one of the pizza that I had while I was there. I can't even remember what kind of pizza it was, but that day I didn't care. I was having a lot of problems and arguments at home and at BIC, but that day I just completely forgot about all of it and enjoyed my day. Parts of which I forgot to photograph, but I think that sometimes it's good not to take pictures. One day I see myself being in a moment so great, maybe on a mountain somewhere, that I wont want to take a picture only because the presence of a camera would ruin the moment. If anyone gets where I'm coming from with that one.


Okay, so let me explain this one. All day I was looking for a Pinkberry because I heard how good it was supposed to be. I looked everywhere but couldn't find one. So I went to a place that at least seemed enough like Pinkberry. It was good; they had various frozen yogurt flavor machines, and then they had a really big, interesting topping station.

That day I really just walked and got cabs all around new york and stuffed myself with various little treats (I really hate that word but there's really no other one that fits there). I never actually had a sit down meal like I planned to, but I had a lot more fun this way.

Speaking of trips (besides this weekend) I was planning to be taking more later this year. (When I was working) I planned to save money, and on the off chance I'd have two consecutive days off, I could go somewhere fun. Since I don't have any kids to feed or bills to pay, I figured I could really have a lot of fun, but now that I don't have a job, half my check next week goes to a new phone, and the other half to contacts. Damn. I'm broke again.

I'll be back on Thursday. Until then.