Photobucket uploading is such a tiresome process.
It's bad enough I have to resize every single photo in photoshop in the first place, but now I have to wait 10 years for them to appear on the computer.
Oh yeah, so I bought this car.
It's great! Yes I blocked out the tag, and the funny this is that it's not because I didn't want you guys to get my information; it's that I really hate the giant yellow dealership plate.
Ugh....I had a funny joke there but I've seemed to have forgotten because of this MASSIVE HEADACHE! I have no idea why I decided to do this post right now while I have an awful headache; I should actually be resting my eyes because I have to leave at 5:30 for something anyway.
I know it's not a migrane (I've only ever had one of those and I was crawling on the floor and throwing up) but I'm convinced I have some kind of recurring sinus infection. Because whenever I get headaches one side of my nose clogs up and one of my eyes pulsates with pain. I would go to a doctor, but I never really have time to go spend an entire day at the clinic just for them to tell me what I already know.
No more WebMD for me.
Yes I know, it sounds nearly impossible, but for the first time since last May, I have taken some photos of food.
I had this burrata caprese salad in December. I don't quite understand why a restaurant would offer a salad where the main component is tomatoes, but this is coming from the person who didn't know you weren't supposed to put tomatoes in the refrigerator. I did eat this at a hotel in Miami, so perhaps they grew the tomatoes in the sunny weather....
Do they even grow tomatoes in florida? In America? Where do tomatoes come from?? What does a tomato farm look like? I have gone of on a tangent but I am intrigued by the mystery of the tomato manufacturing process. I'll definitely get back to you guys on that.
(Speaking of tangents, whenever I type one of these blog posts, I never really have a outline or some sort of plan of what to write. All of this stuff just comes off of the top of my head. Halfway through typing a post, I always wonder if it's too incoherent, but after I read the entire thing, it turns out okay. Like I always feel that this should be more structured like all the other food blogs, but then again I only spend about one or two paragraphs talking about food anyway).
The bottom photo only feeds into my obessession with taking pictures of half eaten food. Again, why do we only appreciate things before we eat them? Probably because the intention of the chef is to make things look appealing to draw the guest in, then once they've messed up the plating, they get to enjoy the food.
Maybe I'll be the first to create something that looks beautiful until the moment the plate is empty.
These are the things I think of.
(Oh those ray-ban glasses in the first pic. I miss them so much (T.T))
This ones not as "artsy" as the other ones, but thats what happens when you take pictures of food in the dark, which I hate. I used to constantly complain about how I needed a flash on my phone camera because a lot of restaurants have dim lighting. But now that I have flash, I just realized that it's much better just to take pictures in proper lighting.
Starbucks chicken salad sandwich is amazing.
Somebody went to H-Mart. ;)