

I guess I should post something.

That sentence alone seems like I have something depressing to say but honestly I don't. I want to start doing a couple things differently here, like using tags to help sort types of posts and doing some photo only and text only posts. I can still do the big "together" ones, but the larger ones (Like the one from last week) are seriously an all day process so doing some of the posts as photo or text only will allow me to post more frequently.

Also, I don't understand Tumblr. I guess it's like blogging for people who don't like to type. Half the stuff-no wait, more like ALL of the stuff- I see on there these people didn't even make themselves. Not to put anyone down but if you're going to have your own "blog" at least post your own stuff. And all that "follow me I follow back" nonsense...

It's like the new Facebook.

Anyway, I really really wish I could complain about my work problems here but I guess that's how people get fired so I won't.

... sort of.

I will say this; I don't say much while I'm at work. I'm usually just quietly observing, listening, learning. Cause isn't that the point? I feel like some of the people I work with don't understand that I'm not incompetent. I know what I'm doing (most of the time), and yet I still ask how things are done because I'm there to learn. You know? I'm not there to show them that I know how to do something; I ask even if I do because maybe there's an even better way to do it that I don't know yet.

But I feel like it just comes off as "Dominic has no idea what he's doing, he's a moron."

I'm often misunderstood.

I should have some more to talk about soon though; today is my first day back on the line. We'll see how this goes...