So it is New Years Eve, and tomorrow will be the first day of 2009. Now many people come up with meaningless resolutions that they cant stick to, and im not going to lie i do the same thing. But this year i am going to make a resolution that i can actually try to follow: TO STOP SAYING "CAT". This is very devestating to some people, as they know that cat has become MY WORD! But yeah, thats what im going to do.
So today i went to the mall to get all the good sales on everything, plus to buy new clothes because im going over my dads, then to bridgids house, and overall that 5 days away that i need to pack for. So i bought a shirt (Bored yet? Yeah me too...) and it has a picture of a dog eating poop that says "recycle". It is now probably the most disgusting article of clothing that i own, but it makes the 5 year old in me smile. Its like my cure for saying cat, like how smokers chew gum often so they can quit.
But on to the more interesting part of my day. So i was at the grocery about 10-20 minutes ago. At the end of the register, there was a stand.
It may look correct, but it has the MLB logo above it. Plus, WTF Giant Supermarket...Christmas was 6 days ago, take down those stockings.
Yes that was the most interesting part of my day! Well that and my Dairy Queen Frozen Yogurt. Are you salivating yet?
Do You like the black border for the pictures? I do.