Recently (I start most of my posts like that...), i have noticed that the sink water in my house has been unusually hot. Not just like a bit warmer, but every time i turn the sink to the middle (Between Hot and Cold) the water comes out scalding...WE NEED A PLUMBER! Most people would be happy to have too much hot water, but NO! THEY ARE WRONG IF THEY THINK THEY WANT THIS CURSE!!!! I really hope this problem goes away soon, it is rather tiring to have to adjust the water in the shower every five seconds.
So, I am currently waiting for my dad to come pick me up...but hes kind of taking forever. He told me yesterday he would be here by 10:30 (AM!!!!) and it is now 10:21 PM!!!! He certainly is taking a long time. Then he calls me and says like "Im coming now"...I got THAT message THREE HOURS AGO...But its ok because i have found an anger release: Blogging soothes me. It lets me get s**t out that normally i would just keep bottled inside....ODD EGGS AND BACON! (Things like thattttt)
But yeah, no pictures this blog. I ALWAYS have pictures but not today. OHH! Another thing. If your going to have a party, and you invite someone with a sibling, isnt it kind of common f****ing curtesy to invite them too? Especially if you know the person! Don't just assume they'll come, invite them. I swear that must be like the number one way to make enemies or something. Its a girl with a shape up....