Its been FOREVER since I posted on here.. Like I think the last time was like in February and now its MAY!! I also mentioned when I left something about twitter. Do not follow me on Twitter. Like I thought it would be fun for the first couple days, but after a while it became quite annoying to have to type every 5 minutes what im doing (Like the police are monitoring my bad behavior or something). SOO.....I stopped.
Besides wanting to kill twitter, I went to Virginia today. Nothing special. I just sat in the car, pretended to be asleep, and listened to Catalina's telephone conversation (Im horrible I know).. It took FOREVER to get there, and I had to sit next to this smelly man and he kept pressing up against me...so I couldn't enjoy my snacks I got from the gas station :(
But then we went to this travesty. Now it may look like your average Virginia Tex-Mex restaurant, but it WAS NOT. And as you can imagine, the people inside just HAD to stare. Why is it that they feel the need to stare directly in my face. I believe it had something to do with the enourmous bubbles I was blowing, but mostly it was their inability to function as normal humans.

If only someone could have captured the sheer look of my dissapointment as I walked back to the car.
But besides that nothing interesting really happened today. My mom lost her keys and no one could leave the house because the keys were in the truck with Franny and I a whole state away. Plus Alexander got his hand caught in one of those $.25 vending machines at Giant, because he figured if he reached up further he could pull all the toys out. He's fine though. Im really bored.....
oh well. maybe ill have something more interesting to talk about tomorrow....