But anyway, I'm back so that's great. I wish I had 50 exciting, thrilling things to share with all of you, but unfortunatley I don't.. I did however have a fun weekend with Tyler and Bridgid. I saw Transformahsss over the weekend, which I enjoyed, but it went on for EVER. (Nachos ;D)
Instead of doing something entertaining or even noteworthy today, I am trapped in Supervision class, bored out of my mind. Today's topic is "Training and Development"....doesn't that sound fun?! My hair is a mess too, I need to do something with it tonight. I really need to get my grade up in this class, because I didn't do any of the homework for the first five weeks so......ugh....yeah. Plus I'm about to get my grade back for my midterm that I took last week; I don't want to see it!!
Either way, I'm going to go now (SHORT POST), because apparantly Proffesor Collison thinks I'm texting someone. This week shouldn't be too bad because I don't have class on Friday, plus I'm supposed to be going to see fireworks this weekend! Thrilled. Oh and I have to ask him for extra credit because he just announced to the class that "Dominic Roach has missed half of the classes assignment."