I'm starting to feel like this is a real blog, mostly because I've been doing rather large posts recently (well for me anyway). Besides that, I kinda just realized today that I leave for Ireland in 13 days.....nervous..... Anyway, let me catch you all up on my last week or so. It seems as though whenever I'm upset for some reason (my hair falling out, my schedule getting messed up, etc.) I don't post. And then the pictures build up and then I have 5 folders of photos accumulated throughout the week, and then they just become clutter on my desktop and I never used them; not this time. I am doing this post TODAY even though 30% of the stuff in it happened over a week ago. Okay, here we go!
Friday 9/18

Last Friday, I went to a casino in Dover. Instead of just walking around the floor, I managed to find a little food place (not the most comfortable seating but ehh). Now it may look
like there are plenty of wonderful things to eat, but that's not necessarily true. Besides the gelato and pretzels, there wasn't much to eat up at the register; none of the breads in the picture were for sale. Speaking of which, why is there a bakery in the middle of a casino? Since when do people say "Yeah, after all this gambling I'd sure like a muffin and fresh baked baguette"?

After a bit of scampering around the hotel part of the building, I managed to find a decent seating area, accompanied by the world most comfortable couch. Nothing food related here; at all.
Friday 9/25
When I first showed this picture to Ashley, she had a confused look on her face. I told her I made pancakes, and she asked what that nasty cakey, chocolate looking stuff was on top. Then I told her it was made of salt dough! That stuff was alot of fun to work with, and time just flew because by the time I was done it was 11:00. So now I know if I ever need to kill time, make salt dough :D

Later on that day, Franiel thought it would be important for me to learn how to cook "cuban beans". I personally think its because he wants me to cook for him more often -.- either way, the recipe was shockingly simple: half an onion, quartered, the actual beans, olive oil, cilantro paste (which, I checked the label, didn't actually have any cilantro in it), half a green pepper, half a red pepper, and a packet of Goya seasoning.
Same Night
When I got to Trump Plaza, it was around 12:30, and I was kinda hungry. So I did what any food blogger in this situation would do; order room service! Okay, so I'm going to say this before I begin, this omelet wasn't nearly as gross as it looks. I was kinda shocked too when I saw the mound of cheese on top, but once I took it off it actually tasted good. It was accompanied by hash browns and three pieces of fruit.

As of now, I am officially blaming the crappy lighting for how this food looks. Maybe it's a problem with my camera, but the Apple Pie I ordered did not look anywhere near this gross. Once the woman brought it up, she mentioned that I should've gotten ice cream with it too. And that's how my nice before bed snack turned into constantly thinking about ice cream.

The next morning, yes those are frosted flakes, I ordered breakfast. I really like Frosted Flakes, so I kinda had to order them. I was a little surprised that only one box comes in a order costing $3, but they were still good.

Along with the cereal I got a bowl of mixed fruit, which I thought was going to be berries but ended up being melons. Because the bowl was melon, I encountered a common problem of mine; eating honeydew. I rarely like to eat it, and not because its bad, but because whenever I eat it, I am always served the hard, unripened portion of the fruit. That's the gross part, and that's what happened here.

To complete the meal (Yes, "Fatty's Breakfast" continues), I ordered French Toast. I only managed to finish half because of the other food I had eaten plus two glasses of Orange Juice. They were pretty good, just they never seem to bring enough syrup for me /:

Later on in the day, I went over to
the mall. Among lots of stores I went in, I only managed to take a picture in "It's Sugar". Of course, me being me, I never took pictures of the candy I bought; it was all gone by the time I got back to my room O.O

(This is my favorite photo of all of the ones in this post) After all the buying and walking, I ended up going out the this little outdoor area where you could stare out into the ocean. I brought a soft pretzel with me, and the damn birds wouldn't leave me alone long enough to enjoy it! So I think to myself, maybe if I throw them a small piece in the other direction, they'll leave. Nope. Even more birds swooped down and crowded by me. This made me think of Bridgid because she would have been terrified if this was her lol!

Later that night, we all went to dinner at Cuba Libre. Here is my problem with this restaurant; dim lighting. Its bright enough so you can see your food clearly, and the people themselves, but you cannot take pictures with an iPhone camera (with no flash!!) This is why I need a
real camera.

*sigh* the things I do for this blog. When I first learned that my phone couldn't take pictures in here, I needed to find a way to show something. So I scooted a portion of the salad near the candle and managed to take an awful photo.

Mango Ice cream. ALSO! I noticed something about the bread (which they served with mango butter). It wasn't quite recognizable at first, but after about three pieces of bread, I felt somewhat sickened. I wondered what they did to the bread to make it taste like this, and then I remembered that Palmier cookies taste like this. The slightly sickening taste of cooked butter; puff pastry.

Fast forward through me getting put out of the casino,
again, to the next morning when I had brunch at Roberto's. I thought they had such a nice table setting, so I decided to take a picture :D

First Plate: Two croissants, mozzarella and tomatoes, and pineapple and cantaloupe slices. All cold food, all very good. No complaints here (I hear people cheering lol).

Second Plate: Waffles with mixed berries. They even had a neat little waffle iron plate that made diamond, club, heart, and spade shapes! On top I places a few strawberries, raspberries, and hilariously small blackberries. The syrup was very light.

Third Plate: Tomato and Onion omelet. Because this was a real restaurant and not Denny's, the tomatoes were sauteed before they were added to the eggs so they didn't make a big watery mess like
last time. Accompanied by more pineapple slices!

Fourth, Final Plate: Three chocolate strawberries, some gross peanut butter square thing, and a "sacher cookie" which I didn't know existed. I do not like sacher torte. At all. I think its gross and I don't know why someone would combine chocolate, apricot, and almonds and put them into a cake. I don't know why anyone would put them into a cookie either, because it was nasty.
So as you can see, this is pretty much the longest post I've ever done, but I was good, right? It took me an hour to type, it had better be good lol. So you all might also notice that I changed the layout a bit, removing the "blocky" paragraph at the end and replacing it with a centered one. I like it better. More tomorrow.