So a lot of things have gone awry in the past week. I haven't been posting, I'm sick, I lost all my hair, and today because I didn't go to class, I might have accidentally ruined my group's "Grand Buffet" project because I wasn't able to print off another copy with the correct measurements. I mostly feel bad about that. If I had a car, I honestly would drive down there now and give them the papers, but I don't, and no one here will take me now. Anyway, I'm trapped in my room today because I'm sick; no I don't have "swine flu", I have a sore throat. I thought I knew where I got it from, but practically everyone was sneezing yesterday in class. Either way, I'm getting back on track; its picture time.

Sometime last week, I stumbled upon a recipe for lemon poppy seed cookies, so I decided to bake some. I harassed Franiel and Ms.LPTM to no end to buy me some poppy seeds; I am so broke I cant even buy poppy seeds for myself. I need some monehh!

Just thought I'd include this because it's one of the few pictures I actually have from Garde Manger class so far; its just a Caesar salad, but I thought it was really good so I threw this one in here.

So the pictures a bit dark, but you can see what they are; on Saturday I managed to finally buy a muffin tin, so I baked some cupcakes that night. The icing looks super crappy, but that's because I couldn't find my pastry bag, and I had to use a zip lock bag with a hole cut in the bottom -.-
(notice the little chocolate chip eyes ^.^)

Okay, so this is pretty much the highlight of my week; my Disco Peacock! Okay so it wasn't actually mine, but I assembled all the melon balls. It was really fun to work on.

Last picture today, I also cut a honeydew! This one I did alone; I kept thinking the leaves looked like lays ruffle chips... the "guest chef instructor", who instructed us on how to do them, kept saying I was doing a nice job, but I couldn't help but think she was saying in her head "this looks like crap". Oh well, I like my melon!
Well, I'm gonna get off now, short post. I'm not well, and I need my rest; I just hope tomorrow everyones not too upset that I didn't bring the re-printed out papers. I guess thinking about it doesn't make a difference now. More tomorrow.