Taking Pictures of Strangers
(Insert Clever Title Here): Day 2 in Miami
So, it snowed in Maryland a few days ago. ALOT. So I, naturally, was concerned about the status of my flight yesterday afternoon. I was honestly expecting the plane to be delayed until today, but it was only by 45 minutes. Then the plane took forever to take off, but oter than that it was fine. Usually I have the opportunity to take a picture of the food on the plane, but since it was only a two hour ride, I didntthink any of you wanted to see a picture of ginger ale and an oatmeal raisin cookie. However before I got on the plane I did have lunch.
First for lunch was Cheddar and Broccoli soup; something that I thought I was going to regret ordering (once I found out that chili was available), but surprisingly didnt. The initial smell was off putting, as it reminded me of the samekind of soup from the Safeway salad bar, but I got over it and I really enjoyed it. I guess theres just sometingabout not eatingall day that makes everything taste so much better.
To finish the small lunch, I got a sugar cookie and cream soda. What I didnt quite understand was, why do they check me for sharp objects on the way in, but then sell me a soda in a glass bottle. Not saying that I would do anything with it (I threw it in the Wendy's trash can), but someone could. Anyway, the cookie I didnt actually eat until I was actually on the plane. I was really hard and crunchy around the rim, and almost under baked in the middle. STOP COMPLAINING DOMINIC! IT'S A COOKIE!
HD cameras ruin everything
I'm incredibly bored today. Plus it's Friday night and what am I doing? Blogging. I actually have a decent excuse for being a shut in tonight; I'm broke! And since I dont have a car or a license, I can go nowhere without money. So now, I'm going to make all of you sit in my puddle of boredom with me. I'm going to explain to you my incredibly mundane Friday.
So I woke up this morning around 7:10 or so, even though I didn't have any kind of class or school to go to. (I dont think I mentioned this before but IM FINISHED CULINARY SCHOOL! More on that tomrrow though, I dont feel like typing all that right now) I wasnt really tired, so I went downstairs and ate some honeycombs cereal plain, because we only have chocolate milk and that'd be gross. After I ate, Madina came downstairs and I went to drop her off this morning. Upon returning home, I listened to music and played farmville for half an hour. Then I watched various ABC re-runs on iTunes. A few hours later I went ahead and emptied the dishwasher, then I cleaned my bathroom up a bit. Then I got dressed for the day etc. I continued watching shows until around 4:30, when I took Ava to the dog hotel to stay for the week while we're gone. Then I came back home and had random small talk with cat ball for about an hour. Then I read my "Fat Duck" book for a while, then I made dinner (farfali and white sauce). And now I'm here, eating a brownie, trying not to get crumbs on my keyboard. Lets hope tomorrow is a more eventful day.
This unexpected picture is of a pumpkin I carved two months ago in Garde Manger class. Just thought I'd finally post it because I mentioned it here. More tomorrow.
(Let me explain the title; Today, while watching one of my shows, I saw chipped paint on a house that I used to think was perfect. Random, I know, but I just cant help but think now that thier entire house is covered with chipped paint /: )
"And would you like that toasted?" ...seriously?
Anyway now that that's over, as few things. As you may have noticed last blog (which you probably didn't), the size of the pictures are changing. I'm trying to find a permanent file uploading site besides blogger -because it makes the pictures too small- as well as fix up the blog for the new year. (<-- Today will be posted with Blogger+Photobucket) Perhaps the title card will be a bit more sophisticated than me holding up the pig tails scarf. I do know what my new years resolution is going to be: post more.... or at least once or twice a week. Next year some pretty big things are happening and I just want to get all of them down. Speaking of big things, I'm going to Miami in what... four days? Yeah, so I'll be sure to eat oodles of very interesting things and come home and post. So that means no postings from 20-26.
This travesty is my master piece, I've named it "the exorcism". Recently there was a gingerbread competition at the CAC, and a couple days I ended up staying late to help with the decorations. On the last day, I got very, very bored and took one of the figures in progress and turned him into what he is today. Dry your eyes and testify. OH! Sidebar: after the competition was over, someone informed me that someone made a comment about my edible figures; they said they looked like sex offenders!!!!!!!! Apparantly because of the way they were placed, it appeared as though two of the men where standing by the tree under a tree house trying to kidnap the child!!!
So last wednesday I ate dinner at Ra, a sushi place in Harbor East. (Speaking of which, that whole area over there by Fells Point is quickly becoming my favorite part of Baltimore) Please Excuse My Dear Iphone Camera... its the new pemdas which explains incredibly crappy photos. (actually, when said out loud, its kinda quite lude, but honeslty how many times am I vulgar? I get a pass on this one)
Atleast in Miami it's sunny, so I should be able to take decent pictures there. Anyway, while I was there I ordered the spicy tuna (right) and the tootsy maki roll (left) which was my favorite. Consisting of crab, shrimp, and cucumber and rolled in not just seasme seeds, but there was some crunchy green stuff on the outside of the roll which was really good, because with all the mushy textures it was nice to have that. I also had the vegas roll, but honestly it was too dark and I was very hungry so I did not take a picture of that /:
Incredibly random paragraph: I really, really like the color of fresh chopped rosemary. Recently everytime I get out fresh rosemary to use in something, halfway through chopping I take a moment and say, "Wow, thats an amazing group of colors". Rosemary does not play around through the brown shade like other plants do, it goes from a vibrant, strong green to pale white to surprising black. No in between. So I decided the other day to take a picture, just because. Sorry for the poor quality. Pemdic?.....yeah thats not such a good idea to make that a regular thing lol. More tomorrow.
+.+ there are too many popsicle sticks in my desk drawer
On Sunday, I ended up going to Delaware, again, but this time was a bit more interesting, with all the Christmas decorations, me not getting put out of the casino like usual, and the fact that I actually ate real food while I was there besides stale pretzels!
More tomorrow :D
Green Eggs and....Lamb?
Number one, I don't want to be one of those people who acts like their food is so amazing, and then people see and eat it, and it's crap. Number two, sometimes I have absolutely no clue what I'm supposed to be doing. Like today for example; all I was told when I got the lamb was remove the fat, remove the shank, and then follow the lines of fat through the meat with my knife until only the bone was left. On several occasions I had no idea what to do next, so I just cut where I thought the fat continued. Oh well, maybe I'll have a better day tomorrow. Speaking of which, I'm so looking forward to thanksgiving break, not just because of the holiday and all the food and what not, but because I don't have to get up before dawn to go to school.
Two days ago, I was a much happier person. Two days ago, I wasn't ready to bash someones head in. Two days ago I wasn't looking forward to going back to school so I could be distracted from all this. But I have risen above. I refuse to talk about my personal problems over the Internet. This is a food blog, and I think sometimes I blur that line a bit too often. Anyway, on to better things :)
I Really Don't Like Sunsets
Just a random photo. I always walk past this place and I really want to go in to see what's inside, but the only reason I'm ever near it is because I'm going to some other place I need to be. Eventually Miss Shirley's Place, eventually.
Speaking of which, I am significantly less bald (yay!)
was the people. And the food! How I miss pizza with actual tomato sauce on it, rather than cheesy bread with taco sauce inside. Im excited to return to my life. I like my life, and while I rarely went out at night, I think I've lived enough for the next couple years.
Side note: I've gotten off track but THIS situation is understandable. I'll be back to regular blogging tomorrow. :)
Strictly Text.
But anyway, because of this no Internet debacle, I am not posting any pictures in this blog entry. And I always have pictures. But really, with this slow, broken computer, slow Internet connection, and the fact that the letter "l" doesn't work and the fact that I have to copy and paste it into the text entry box all would make for an incredibly upsetting blogger experience. So this is what I am going to do; I've decided to wait until I got home to do a "Everything You Missed in Ireland Post Spectacular". I will continue to post each day while I'm here (two more weeks), and all the mundane details of my day will appear here. The things that I didn't post from this past week and a half will go up after I'm home, when my computer doesn't shut down for uploading more than four pictures. I'll start with today:
Typing without the damn letter l
I might talk more about the cooking job later on in my trip, but as of right now I really don't feel like it because it was just yesterday that I stopped. Next week I work as a server in the mornings, so that should be fun.
Okay, this sounds super pathetic and petty, but it's so something I'd do (and I did): when I first recieved my schedule, I saw that I didn't have anything but cooking and labor. So I complained about it to the staff here only because I brought an all black outfit and I wanted to wear it. I know, completley unesscary but I did it anyway; besides, I was told that everyone had to have a shift in each division of the hotel while here. Mehh. I'll upload more tonight after I eat something.
More later guyss :DD ( Read Sam's Ireland Blog Here)
Welcome to Dublin
Last night I was tired and cold, I missed my family, and I had remnants of the five chicken piccattas i made splattered on my shoe, and I'm amazed that I don't care but it only makes sense not to. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for me, and instead of moping around and being upset that I'm away for so long, I'm going to enjoy myself (sure dominic, you say that now; wait until week 4 -.-). So as you all can see, i'm going to continue blogging while I'm here, but it might take a while longer that usual as on the laptop I've brought with me the letter "L" doesn't work. So all my blog entries will be typed from my iPhone and photos will be added from the computer. I don't usually have this much text in a typical entry, but I think it's good; BRANCH OUT!
So I've also noticed a few (petty) interesting differences between here and America. I'm going to list them:
If I notice any other differences I will be sure to post them in tomorrows entry for sure. That entry will have pictures and will go over exactly where I'm staying, what my room looks like, and most importantly food. Unfortunatley we ran out of cereal so i had to go to the store today, and then I cleaned my cabin and my bedroom and stuff, so I didn't really have time to upload photos today. I can't really do it now because I have to be at work in an hour, and I'm amazed that I even had time to type this. More tomorrow, because it's 2 o'clock Ireland time right now :)
Sloppy Babies
1/4 cup lemon juice
1 cup butter, unsalted
1 1/4 cup sugar
1 egg
2 tsp vanilla
4 tsp lemon zest + 1/2 tsp extra for topping
2 2/3 cups all purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt (optional)
1 Tbsp poppy seeds + extra for topping
Longest. Post. Ever!
I'm starting to feel like this is a real blog, mostly because I've been doing rather large posts recently (well for me anyway). Besides that, I kinda just realized today that I leave for Ireland in 13 days.....nervous..... Anyway, let me catch you all up on my last week or so. It seems as though whenever I'm upset for some reason (my hair falling out, my schedule getting messed up, etc.) I don't post. And then the pictures build up and then I have 5 folders of photos accumulated throughout the week, and then they just become clutter on my desktop and I never used them; not this time. I am doing this post TODAY even though 30% of the stuff in it happened over a week ago. Okay, here we go!
Friday 9/25
When I first showed this picture to Ashley, she had a confused look on her face. I told her I made pancakes, and she asked what that nasty cakey, chocolate looking stuff was on top. Then I told her it was made of salt dough! That stuff was alot of fun to work with, and time just flew because by the time I was done it was 11:00. So now I know if I ever need to kill time, make salt dough :D
When I got to Trump Plaza, it was around 12:30, and I was kinda hungry. So I did what any food blogger in this situation would do; order room service! Okay, so I'm going to say this before I begin, this omelet wasn't nearly as gross as it looks. I was kinda shocked too when I saw the mound of cheese on top, but once I took it off it actually tasted good. It was accompanied by hash browns and three pieces of fruit.