
Oh How Long

It's been forever since I posted. Like, literally, forever...

Cause if you didn't already know, one forever is exactly fifty four days...or at least I say it is.

I had a whole text only post planned, but I've completely lost my train of thought.

The only thoughts in my mind now are poptarts, the word "germs", and how lost I feel in several situations in my life. Perhaps I'll expand on those another time, in particular the first one (cause I can't even begin to tell you how much I want some strawberry poptarts).

I have almost too many photos to upload and share, but I've just been all over the place lately. I don't remember ever being so busy! But a new post is coming soon; I just have to find a day at random to resize about 60 pictures from my phone haha.

Also: Then we slap you for wasting our time.

The end.