
Damn my subway addiction

Unfortunately, you all have to hear about my subway lunch, again. I know, I know, "Dominic you can't have a food blog and every day talk about how great subway is". But I'm actually doing stuff over the weekend and there will be plenty of interesting food. I'm also changing the banner, as it no longer applies as it has absolutely nothing to do with food.

The "heavenly" subway cookies. They think they've got me fooled. I know what they do; they just microwave cookie dough cookies. There is no secret recipe people! They have us all brainwashed!!!!I tried to be all "artsy" with my sub.

The whole meal; btw the drink doesnt have a neat peel off thing like at Burger King. That kinda depresses me :(
Well anyway, its Alex's birthday this weekend, and its my birthday monday. Speaking of which, I'm going to New York for a day trip on my birthday! I'm taking off school and leaving in the morning, and coming back home around 2 the next night :D (I'm turning 16)
So I've had these two magazines, Cooking Light and Bon Appetit, and I got them both Monday. I have yet to find an opportuinty this week to read them, but Ashley skimmed through them and she said they have some pretty good recipes; and she's very picky, so if she says they have a few good ones then you know they're good. I've decided not to do anything else but read those tonight, so I actually have the time :)
Oh and tomorrow I'm baking the pie instead of today, reason being Franiel left and went to the grocery store without me, so I was not able to get the Peaches. Damn. But the good news is that Imogen Jennifer Jane Heap said that I have all day tomorrow to have the kitchen to myself, so I think I might bake a loaf of Rosemary bread too. Excited :) But more importantly, Imogen Jennifer Jane Heap wants me to make my devils food cake for Alex's birthday, because he's having a party on Saturday and then we're going to Sesame Place on Sunday. So I need to get more chocolate, heavy cream, and crisco for that. Looks like I'll be baking quite a bit this Friday. More tomorrow, and with LOTS of pictures :)


Amazing Food? I think not.

Today I had a tasty cake "Koffee Kake" and Razzles for lunch. Oh! And with a side of $0.65 hot fries from the student lounge vending machine. I'm so hungry, but I barely brought any money with me today.
It sucks, and now I wish I hadn't eaten the hot fries because my mouth is on fire. Today Lisa also told me about how this guy was spitting on the trays at the CAC this morning, so I guess I'll be eating my lunch, when I go over there next semmester, off of styrafoam plates. Great.
But yes, another mundane day has passed me by, and all I have to say for what I've done is turning in late nutrition homework. Well, maybe I'll make or bake something extravagant at home later (I doubt it), but as for right now, I think I'm going to try to eat the smashed, half eaten milkyway bar in the side pocket of my bookbag. Wish my happy hunting :D more later....or tomorrow; depends on if I feel like making something today...



The dampness outside is somewhat comforting. I must have washed them
several times by now, but my hands still smell of Old Bay. The
seasoning that once graced shrimp atop a pasta salad I made only hours
ago, now lingers on my fingertips as a constant reminder of my days
activities. I plan to make Rosemary bread in a bit, but as for Now, I
shall relax. I haven't decided whether or not to do an eggwash and
make the crust hard like italian bread, or if I should brush olive oil
on top and have a soft crust similar to that of dinner rolls. If it
comes down to it, I may be forced to do the olive oil because we don't
have anymore eggs in the house, which yesterday resulted in overly
tender brownies.
I actually had the option of making caprese salad instead of Rosemary
bread tonight, however that opportunity has passed me by as I have
already left and came home from the grocery store. More later :)


Ive been a bad blogger

i was going to fill this blog up with posts about how i went out last weekend on vacation, and about what i did all this week, and friday night, and then i thought long and hard to myself, "I need to change this blog because im bored of just having it be about what i do. So ive made the EXECUTIVE DECISION to make this a FOOD BLOG seeing as how I am in culinary school and on the culinary career path. It would only make sense for me to blog about what ive eaten, what restaurant I went to,and how it was. Of course im going to post little tid bits of my day, but mostly I want this to be about food. So; I post my first entry as a food blog tonight! Excited :D


I get upset sometimes....

Ok, so sometimes certain things around me don't go right; meaning something always breaks when I'm around it. Very rarely do I actually do it (like the shelf in Tyler's room in her closet), but I always always ALWAYS get blamed for EVERYTHING. Maybe I'm an easy target, but I try SO HARD to make people see that I am a good person. I clean around the house, I play with Madlex, and I bake delicious cookies and cakes and brownies. And what do people do? They blame everything on me.

Like last night; I was cleaning the bathtub in my restroom and my mother came in. She tried to move trip lever (the thing that turns the water on) and nothing happened. Guess who got blamed for that?!

Another situation happened a few weeks ago: my Grandmother broke the cabinet door by the sink. She even told them that she did it, and I STILL got blamed for it!!

Ugh!! More later on my daily meal review and the other crazy things that happen to me on a daily basis. (Did I mention that I had to leave the house at 9:00 today?? My class starts at 12:30 pm.....-_- )


I went a day without an iPhone, and it was HORRIBLE!!

Okay, so let me backtrack to about two weeks ago. I went with Sailor to the At&t store to buy his new iPhone. While I was there, he made the generous offer to buy me a new iPhone3GS too; I accepted like any rational person would. He said that he was going to sell my current phone to his employee, Wesley, and that he would take the money to compensate for him buying my new one.

Fastforward two and a half weeks later, and this morning he tells me that my pre-ordered phone has come in. So he tells me to take all of my personal things from the phone and put them on my computer (such a pictures, phone numbers, etc). Then while, we're driving me to school on the highway, he tells me to wipe the phone memory. I knew that after doing so the service would shut off; Crap.

He told me to get out when I got to school, and before I could ask him how i was supposed to contact him later, he drove off. Here I am, 75 minutes early mind you, downtown, without an iPhone. I have no idea what time it is, and I cant call anyone. To make a long story short, I used the pay phone at the gallery, but my point is this: Apple now rules my life becase I simply cannot function properly without thios device. It almost acts as my brain when I dont want to use my brain. I have admitted it; I am an Apple slave (just like ashley is a McSlave for McDonalds nasty breakfast food).

Oh, and plus the brownies turned out great yesterday, and now that i have my new phone, I can shoot and post videos here too, like really good quality. More tomorrow. bye :D