

Todayyy, I went to Au Bon Pain for lunch where I haven't been for a while, so I was kinda excited to go. (Sidenote- What is wrong with me?! Is my life so dry and unamusing that the most exciting part of my day is going somewhere to eat? I really need a life....) Anyway, I did enjoy the lunch for the most part, and I have a little bit of good news. As it turns out, it's perfectly legal for me to work in a bakery or pastry shop, and even though it wouldn'tve been my first choice, it's a step forward in me being able to get into a kitchen. I'm working at it, but I really think that I could work at this one kitchen if I really try. On to the food.


So this was my lunch today. A green chile soup, two bread sticks, a milk, and a chocolate muffin. Sounds plain, but it was actually even more plain than it sounds. I have individual (gripes?) with each item here, so I will further explain with each picture. But first, allow me to say the helpless elderly persons prayer to hope for flavorful food.

Dear lord, I thank you for this bland, indifferently prepared meal and beseech
you to ignite some spark of compassion in my cold hearted (insert current
caretaker/relative here), that (he/she) might show some shred of mercy to me,
(his/her) wretched captive, Amen.


Me, being the "overly cautious for stupid things and not cautious enough for important things" person I am, got milk to drink because I thought that the soup was going to be super spicy. Unfortunately, it barely left in tingle in my mouth, although that's not to say it wasn't still good. It's just the quaint little description they gave led me to believe it was going to be hot; it was just a bit of a let down.


This is the chocolate chip muffin I picked off the pastry shelf for lunch. This is a very sad picture of said muffin. And do we know why? Because said muffin was a very sad muffin. It was burned people. I want to say I knew this when I bought it, but I didn't know that it was completley burned. So the woman at the register was staring at me as I reached into the little box to pick one of the muffins up, so when I felt that it was harder than a rock, I couldn't put it back without the whole "you touched it you bought it" argument. So I knowingly bought a burned muffin, and sat down and pretended to be surprised when I bit into it. You aren't fooling anyone Dominic...not even yourself /: So in the end I decided to smash it up like a 4 year old and leave crumbs all over the seat.


The bread sticks were perfectly fine. Absolutely nothing wrong with the bread sticks. They tasted even better when I dipped them into the soup. (WOW! No complaints?!)


Aaaaand this brings us to our final (crappy) picture, a magical fruit that I didn't know existed until today. At the grocery store I found some golden raspberries. The first box I picked up had mold all over them, so I took these home. Sorry about the smooshed one in the corner, I was going for something that obviously didn't quite work out. I just wanted to make a small little note about all the pictures in this post actually; I was surprised that I took such bad pictures in Au Bon Pain today because usually the sun shines right through the window and makes for a great food picture, but I guess today because it was sorta cloudy. Getting a new camera is on my long long list of things to do right now besides getting some new eyeballs. Blurrggghhhh.....More tomorrow!