

am so sleepy. I had a whole post planned, oodles of pictures, etc.
but I am so damn tired right now... and it's not even that late. I promise a proper post will be up tomorrow morning, but for now let me say a few things before I pass out.
I am deleting my facebook sometime within the next two weeks, in which time I will be collecting phone numbers. I am done with social networking. If you want to talk to me, call me or text me.
It's not that I don't want to try Twitter, it's that I was over it before anyone knew what Twitter even was. Two years ago I made one, got bored and annoyed with it, and never used it again. But this is how everything happens with me, right? Years ago I used to listen to dance/house music, and everyone made fun of me because I didn't like 50 cent like they did. Now you turn on the radio, and every song is a dance song (or at least has a dance beat).
Maybe one day people will be smart enough to post complete thoughts to the Internet to actually contribute to something/ serve some purpose (making people laugh, letting you in on my "online journal", being informative, etc.) instead of just polluting the world with poorly spelled 140 character messages of "gng ovr my bbs house 2day!!". The entire idea of micro-blogging ("social networking") is ridiculous; if you want to know what someone is doing right at this moment, ask them! Not only will it help you become better friends, but I'm sure they would be flattered to hear your genuine interest in the car wash they got today, followed by the pack of M&M's they ate "in like three seconds!!". Yeah.
Not only have I gotten completely off topic, I've gotten mean.
It's late. I'm tired. I have work tomorrow. I get a pass ;D
As a reward for those of you with exceptional attention spans, you get to see what I do when I have off on a Friday night.

Usually when people say that you'll never meet someone like them again, they're lying.

It's so strange to the point where people no longer think of you as a person. Take that as you want.